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Mentor Role
Being the key to a successful knowledge transfer mentors


• Act as a role model to Iranian-Canadian newcomers.
• Meet with mentees according to schedule and program requirements.
• Assist mentees in their job search process. This includes referrals to resources, sector-specific labour market information, exposure to employer expectations, Canadian workplace culture, employment opportunities and increased networking opportunities.
• Support and encourage mentees in their efforts to find suitable employment.
• Jointly determine mentees employment goals.
• Maintain regular contact with the Mentoring Program Coordinator for the duration of the match based on program requirements.
• Facilitate group process at mentoring group meetings.


Mentor Criteria

• Belong to the Iranian-Canadian community.
• Have more than five years of professional work experience in Canada.
• Be sensitive to challenges faced by newcomers to Canada.
• Have good interpersonal communication skills.
• Enjoy sharing knowledge.
• Understand Canadian workplace culture.
• Know skills required to meet market demands.
• Be aware of licensing issues specific to their occupation/profession.
• Be in good standing with relevant regulatory bodies in his/hers industry.
• Provide two references from members of the community.
• Make a time commitment of four months for twice a month in the first month and once a month in the subsequent three months.
• Demonstrate responsiveness and effective communications in the on-line mentoring relationships.



IC Network Mentoring Program owes its tremendous success to its relentless and dedicated volunteer "Mentors":

Civil Engineering group: Mr. Ramtin Sotoadeh, BSc., P Eng.
Electrical Engineering group: Hossein Zereshkian, BSc. P Eng.
Food Science & Nutrition group: Mr. Hamid Aliee, BSc., A. Agr. and Mr. Iraj Mehrnia, M.Sc.Food Science and Technology
Information Technology (IT) group: Dr. Mahmood Jahani, Ph.D., MBA, PMP, CMC. and Mr. Saeed Hariri, BSc., PMP
Mechanical Engineering: Sara Dolatshahi, B.Eng, M.Eng., P.Eng., Mr. Saeed Ziaee, M.A.Sc. P.Eng., Mr. P Eng. and Mr. Farhad Bakhtari, BSc, MSc, P.Eng.

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